I love St. Mary's County. Serving on the Planning Commission, the Economic Development Commission, and as the President of the St. Mary's County Branch of the NAACP has provided an opportunity to observe from a number of unique angles. I've observed the good and made note of opportunities for improvement. We live in a great county, and we will need creative thinkers to help steer us through the uncertainty ahead to maintain this greatness. I want to work for you... the citizens of St. Mary's County.

Empowering and foster local businesses
Empowerment of local small businesses is critical to the growth and development of our community.
Many of our small businesses and organizations struggle to find the resources necessary to make them successful. There are federal and state funded programs currently operating in the area. Our county needs to ensure that all entrepreneurs are aware of how to access each of these programs.
Safer Roads through the county
Create a no failing intersection plan. Review findings from the updated Transportation Plan to develop a prioritized list of intersections to correct through the county. We need to be more proactive; we should not have to wait on development or a death for those intersections to be prioritized
Improve Communication & create space for the voice of the people
An essential element of economic stability for communities is civic participation and engagement of all its residents. We must work with citizens to develop methods to consistently facilitate 2-way communication between the people and county leadership
Emphasize the importance of Proper Development Planning
Our Current Comprehensive Plan required us to create several development district plans. We’ve created one… without any recognizable way to measure progress/success. The prioritized list of “suggested” projects have not been executed in a manner that reflects the development plan list. If we pay money for a plan, we should use it…
Promote crime prevention through community partnerships
With the rise in violent crimes, enforcement is essential. The sheriff needs additional resources, but crime needs to be addressed on the prevention side of the equation instead of focusing solely on the enforcement. Community organizations are currently working to reduce the violence in the area, but there isn’t a unified county level plan/vision to address the issue and deploy methods of crime prevention to facilitate reduction of crime.